



Define your body as you see fit. truFlex offers personalized muscle stimulation that delivers
the equivalent of 54,000 crunches in just 15 minutes.

More Results In Less Time

Experience the future of non-invasive body sculpting with TruFlex at Pulse Performance.

TruFlex is the newest and most advanced technology available, designed to help you achieve your body composition goals. This cutting-edge, non-invasive device harnesses the power of targeted electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) to deliver a powerful one-two punch:

Burn fat: TruFlex precisely targets fat cells, stimulating them to release stored energy.
Build muscle: Simultaneously, EMS activates your muscles, promoting lean muscle growth and definition.

This combined approach helps you achieve a sculpted physique faster and more effectively than traditional methods.

TruFlex Body Sculpting


Sculpt Your Dream Body with TruFlex at Pulse Performance

TruFlex Body Sculpting at Pulse Performance offers a non-invasive solution to target specific areas and achieve a sculpted physique. This cutting-edge technology uses targeted electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) to deliver impressive results.

Want to define your abs, lift your glutes, or tone your arms and thighs? TruFlex can help! Here's how:

  • Precise Targeting: We can customize your TruFlex treatment to focus on your specific goals, whether it's chiseling your abs, building perkier glutes, or sculpting toned arms and thighs.
  • Non-invasive and Comfortable: No needles, no surgery, just a relaxing and effective treatment. You'll experience gentle muscle contractions and low heat during the session.
  • Fast and Convenient: Achieve noticeable results in shorter sessions compared to traditional workouts.
  • Pain-Free and Efficient: Relax and let TruFlex do the work. No downtime means you can get back to your day immediately after your session.

TruFlex complements our EMS training sessions perfectly. Combining these technologies offers the ultimate time-efficient approach to achieving your body composition goals.

Ready to unlock a more sculpted you?